fredag 1. april 2016


The epitomical office bitch in her revealing outfit.

Showing off her legs, her knees revealed.

Deep cleavage.

Bareskinned shoulders and arms under her jacket.

The mocking "You-can't-have-me" attitude.

She finds you way beneath her station.

Her high heels is her statement of her own superiority.

Her tight skirt reveals her curves.

She neither need or deserve wearing skirt anyway.

And her thighs are truly gorgeous.

Thighs that deserve being forced wide apart.

And that blouse, just get it off bitch!

And that bra too.

Who do you think you're fooling, woman?

You're a fuck, bitch!

Nothing but a fucking bitch!

A fucking bitch that's about to getting fucked up.

Fucked up bigtime, like the fucking bitch you are!

Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch...

You're just SO gonna get it.

Get it deep inside your cunt, get it way up your ass, and get it deep down your throat. 

Your ass till you cry, your throat till you puke, and your cunt till you faint.

Another bitch goes down and out...

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